Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Nutritionist

I have the best nutrtitionist!! I always feel so great when I leave our meeting and she said I do the same for her. She was not the least bit concerned about my little bit of weight gain and explained that my weight loss journey will not be a straight line decrease. I will hit plateaus and possibly have some periods of small weight gain, but then continue to lose. She thinks I'm doing a fabulous job and have my head on straight. She said I'm not asking when can I eat such and such, but rather a little nervous about adding new foods to my diet. I'm off restrictions at this point and she suggested I try some pork chops and steak, salad and vegetables and fruit. I also asked about some non perishable snacks while I'm on the go. She suggested high protein bars like South Beach, Pria or Luna. I only found Atkins at my supermarket and bought a few boxes to try. They will especially be good for me after going to the gym during my long ride home. She also said I could have cheese and crackers like my neice and nephews eat. I couldn't eat a whole package, but it will at least tide me over until my next meal and I am getting additional protein. Nut butters and cheese are great options for me, along with some cereals. I honestly can't imagine going back to eating regular food again. I am not having a problem eating any of the foods I have been for the last month and thoroughly enjoy them. I made such a delicious turkey burger for dinner tonight. I can't believe that I never enjoyed food for all these years. I thought I was, but was just shovelling it in just for the sake of eating. Now, I savor every bite. I look forward to eating and am really excited about cooking new meals for myself.

Tomorrow is another big day for me. It is my first fill!! I am really scared about it. I'm really not sure what to expect. I don't know how it will feel. I don't know how the restriction will affect my eating. I really don't want to get sick and have done a good job avoiding it. I don't know how long it will take to fill me 2 ccs. I'm not really a fan of needles, lol. Strange surgery for me to have since a needle is required at least once a month for the first year. Of course the appointment is late in the afternoon so I have to go a whole day of trying not to think about it. Wish me luck!!

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