Monday, December 20, 2010

Feeling Great!!

I felt obligated to write some more today. I want to emphasize just how great I feel after this past weekend. I don't do well when my life is in chaos and unfortunately it has been that way for a few years. It has affected my work as well. Today, is the first day in I couldn't tell you how long that I walk around with a smile on my face, feel wonderful (despite only getting 3 hours of sleep and having to work a full day) and confident again. I will be the first to admit that I have been miserable for awhile and I'm sure most of it has stemmed from my weight. Even though I still struggle, I have taken off 50 pounds and see a light at the end of the tunnel. I am getting back in gear and focusing on taking off the next 50 pounds. It made me smile again this morning to put on a size 1X shirt (that definitely shrunk in the wash) and it look great. I had on a size 2X sweater yesterday that I felt I was swimming in. Might as well get the last Christmas season out of it now. Now that I am getting my weight under control and my work and personal life in order, I feel like I can work on my emotions and being happy again. I like feeling this way. I want to be much more positive about things and just make the best of them now. I have actually noticed that my patience is growing and it's a good thing. I am calm.

Smiles. :)

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