Friday, July 30, 2010

The Last Stretch

I was given a little quiz today at the surgeon's office and got 100 on it!! The two people prior to me that took it passed, but did not do as well as I did. I really did a lot of research on this surgery. I wanted to make sure I was as informed as I could be. I also had to sign the consent form. Boy, there were 3 pages of everything that could go wrong. A little scary, but the surgeon went over it with me and the data from his departement and made me feel a lot better. They were very happy with my 13 lb weight loss since the last time I was there. They want me to continue on Medifast until the surgery. He only does 3 surgeries a day so that he can be more personal with his patients. Love that!! From beginning to end, I will be in the operating room for 2 hours and then moved to recovery. I will have to make sure to walk around as to not get any blood clots. The next morning, I will have an x-ray taken and then be released that afternoon. A lot of insurance companies want to treat this as ambulatory, but I'm glad my surgeon does not. I feel more comfortable after a surgery like this, being observed for 24 hours before being sent home. I will have to see him again a week after my surgery and then every month after that for the first year. During the second year, I only have to go every 3 months and then after that, just twice a year. Not bad. He also said he wants to get me to the point where I can eat between a half and full sandwich a meal. I was surprised I could eat that much. I don't think this is going to be that bad after all.

I have to admit, since being on Medifast, I have enjoyed not being hungry all the time and not feeling stuffed every time I eat. This has been a great experience for me so far. I am really tired lately, but the surgeon said that will go away.

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