Monday, July 12, 2010

Out of the 300s!!!

Saturday was not as bad as I had expected. I did great!! No cheating!! People actually commented that they can't believe how I'm constantly eating. Well, I have to fit a total of six meals into my day.

Sunday was actual a little tough. I didn't leave me house except for a little food shopping so that I could make a yummy taco salad for dinner. There was no structure and I actually only had 3 of my Medifast meals. I have to be a little better when I'm at home on the weekends.

Today is my first official weigh in since starting Medifast, which was six days ago. I weighed 296.2 this morning!! That means I am down 10 lbs 2 oz.

I feel so great this morning. The seat belt fits better and I actually noticed some extra room in a shirt I wore.

I am also going back to the gym this week and next. After that, it will be closed for good and I will have to figure out something else to do. I don't know if I will just do some exercise in the house or join another gym.


  1. CONGRATS!!! Send me the oatmeal cookie recipe or post it here if you don't mind!

    Super job --- You are doing so well!

  2. Thanks. In order to make the oatmeal cookies, you need a packet of Medifast peach oatmeal. Once those are gone, I won't be eating them anymore, BUT they are a nice alternative to constantly drinking shakes and eating pudding and are really easy to take with me when I'm on the road. Sorry!!

  3. Hmmmmm, now that I am thinking about it, I wonder if it can be done with just a regular packet of oatmeal. No eggs or anything are added. I'll run it by my mom today and see what she thinks. Maybe I'll make her try it and if it's successful, I'll pass the recipe on.
