Monday, August 16, 2010

One week from now...

my surgery will have been completed. I started freaking out a little on the way to work this morning and keep obsessing about the foods I can and can't have after surgery. I keep going over my shopping list for the weekend. I don't want to get sick, but I want to make sure I am eating and drinking enough. It just all seems so confusing all of a sudden. Last night, I was concerned that my liver may not have shrunk enough prior to surgery because I have cheated a little from time to time. I hope that I am worrying for no reason and will do my best to stick to Medifast this last week. I am really stressed at work and have a lot of pressure trying to finish up certain responsibilities before my surgery. I certainly realize since starting this adventure that I do have a serious problem with food. I've gotten much better, but I think it will always be a problem for me. As I've been told before, a food addiction is the hardest addiction to have for two reasons.....first, as soon as you walk into a room, everyone that sees you knows what your problem is. Lastly, you need food to survive. You can't just stop eating. Deep breaths....

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