Saturday, August 28, 2010


I decided to sleep on a different recliner (my couch has 3) Wednesday night and it was much easier for me to get up and down by myself. I try challenging myself a little more everyday. I decided I wanted to sit up straight since I've always been on a recline. That didn't go so well. It didn't even last five minutes before I couldn't take the pain anymore. I don't see how I'm ever going to last a full day at work if I can't sit in a chair for five minutes. Anthony's mom and her boyfriend came over to visit and then they left to go crabbing at the pier down the road from my house. Anthony and I wanted to join them later. We had to stop off at the supermarket for more bait on the way down. It was my first venture out and I walked around the store with Anthony and did pretty good. Then we went down to the pier. I brough one of my folding reclining chairs to sit on. It was a perfect night. The weather was so beautiful. We walked about half the pier and back. I did good, but got out of breath very easily. I have to do a sucking and breathing technique into this machine the hospital gave me ten times every hour. I've been getting better and better everday, but it's hard. Now, just my lower left lung hurts a little bit when I do it.

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