As soon as I got to the hospital, I was given a gown, socks and a robe to change into. It was still 2 hours before surgery so thought I could hang out with Anthony for a little bit, but I was wrong. They told me I had to go to the holding room. I gave Anthony a kiss, a hug and told him I loved him and was escorted to the holding room. I was put a gurney and had to lay there for a least an hour. This was going to one long hour. About 15 people came over and asked the same questions over and over and told me how they would be involved with my surgery. Anthony was smart and asked if he could come see me and they showed me where I was. I was happy to see him again. I was in really good spirits, but was worried without any distractions where my thoughts would lead me. They eventually wheel me into the operating room, where about 8 people are standing around. I move over to the operating table and they immediately strap my thighs down. They then took my left arm with the IV in it and strapped that down. They put an oxygen mask over my mouth and said to breathe in three or four times. I might have breathed about eight times and that was the last I remembered. I woke up in the OR less then 2 hours later and wheeled into recovery. I was so lucky. I had my own private suite with a TV. Anthony was in my room about 2 minutes I got there. I think we were both relieved to see each other. It did take a few hours for me to completely come out of it, but it happened quickly. I was a little uncomfortable lying in bed, but the worst part was getting in and out of bed. It is good to walk around to prevent blod clots. I never got more than an hour or an hour and a half of sleep at a time because nurses or doctors were constantly coming in. All in all, not a bad day.
So my BMI ended up being 50.3 on surgery day. Also, here are two pictures of me that morning before we left.
What a day! Cant' wait for all of the updates!